If you want to write protect your USB drive, you can do the trick with registry data or batch script. Protect the USB drive, depends on the graft, and you can do it manually or by script. Read below. Mannual way is also given with a batch script
1 - Start - Run - type "regedit" to open the editor regisry
2 - Go to the following: HKey_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl
3 - Create a new key called "StorageDevicePolicies"
4 - On the right side, creating a new "DWORD Value" with THR name "WriteProtect" and give "1" data
5 - Then insert the USB flash drive.
6 - Try to delete a file or copy anything to it, you will not be able to do so.
7 - You can disable this function, only for the exchange of information 1 0
1 - Start - Run - type "regedit" to open the editor regisry
2 - Go to the following: HKey_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl
3 - Create a new key called "StorageDevicePolicies"
4 - On the right side, creating a new "DWORD Value" with THR name "WriteProtect" and give "1" data
5 - Then insert the USB flash drive.
6 - Try to delete a file or copy anything to it, you will not be able to do so.
7 - You can disable this function, only for the exchange of information 1 0