Mobile and Desktop search may well be very varied in what people search for from their mobile compared to what people search for using desktops and laptops. The first thing that needs to be considered when analyzing topics to get more mobile visitors is knowing what type of content to put on your site to get more mobile traffic.You can look into some Market research on mobile search queries and get some mobile marketing tips from many online sources for mobile content searches but you can also ask your friends what they search for on their smartphones. Most of them will only use their mobile to view facebook, twitter, read emails and use mobile apps like wikireader for the iphone to get basic facts for a topic they may wish to know about.If you want to create content that people will search for and get it to convert you will need to write about stuff that people read and search for on mobile devices here are some examples of the types of content people search for on mobiles.
Mobile Games and Apps Downloads.
Create content that links to the Direct Download page of a Mobile App or Download as most mobile portals are filled with redirects and misleading meta homepage descriptions which bring visitors from mobiles to the homepage and not the download page of the App or game.
Quick References
I do not have any exact proof of this but many mobile searches are because people are debating something and they want to prove themselves right. This often happens and people just want to prove something is true using their mobile.Some examples include artists real names, who sang the original, who stared in and so on.
As the power of mobile connection speed increases video has become very popular to be viewed on mobile devices. People often search for funny videos on their mobile but also tutorials.
As mobiles can be brought anywhere including the kitchen recipe content is useful for mobile traffic some examples are how much goes into how much goes into recipe “recipe name”
Your Own Mobile Search Queries
Think about what you search for on your mobile, Maybe you search for where you can get a pizza near where you are using Google Maps on your mobile or finding the Nearest ATM using a Mobile App whatever it is if you search for it 1000′s of other may also be doing likewise.