Hi this post is about free torrent download
we know that ssl connection is allowed in airtel live
so we use a ssh tunnel to tunnel the traffic
Use your own ssh host or can get it from hax.tor.hu
now to tunnel through proxy use corkscrew
in linux install corkscrew (google anything you dont understand)
then edit .ssh/config
to look like this
Host *
proxycommand corkscrew 8080 %h %p
Now start ssh
use autossh to maintain connection and
use key authentication to login without entering password
everytime u make a new connection
Here the exact command to use
Autossh -M 0 -C2 username@host.com -D 1234 -L 6882:host.com:6882 -R 50010:host.com:50010
ok here only -D is used but theres no harm in setting up a local ( -L ) and remote ( -R ) port
Now take a torrent client like azureus
configure to use proxy as port 1234
Can also be used to browse using firefox
but i use JAP jondo for this.
Now u will see that azureus works but its icon is yellow
which means traffic is not enabled both ways
stilll u get good speeds with ssh tunnel
the icon may be green (traffic both ways) with
other ssh hosts.
Now i am asking experts in networking if it would be
possible if i use iptables to seperate the udp traffic and send them through
another gprs modem which is connected to mobile office
so it allows udp traffic
Will it increase the torrent speed/stability ??
also note that i have mobile office free for a month
and am testing this just for fun.
set up ping tunnel and dns tunnel .
we know that ssl connection is allowed in airtel live
so we use a ssh tunnel to tunnel the traffic
Use your own ssh host or can get it from hax.tor.hu
now to tunnel through proxy use corkscrew
in linux install corkscrew (google anything you dont understand)
then edit .ssh/config
to look like this
Host *
proxycommand corkscrew 8080 %h %p
Now start ssh
use autossh to maintain connection and
use key authentication to login without entering password
everytime u make a new connection
Here the exact command to use
Autossh -M 0 -C2 username@host.com -D 1234 -L 6882:host.com:6882 -R 50010:host.com:50010
ok here only -D is used but theres no harm in setting up a local ( -L ) and remote ( -R ) port
Now take a torrent client like azureus
configure to use proxy as port 1234
Can also be used to browse using firefox
but i use JAP jondo for this.
Now u will see that azureus works but its icon is yellow
which means traffic is not enabled both ways
stilll u get good speeds with ssh tunnel
the icon may be green (traffic both ways) with
other ssh hosts.
Now i am asking experts in networking if it would be
possible if i use iptables to seperate the udp traffic and send them through
another gprs modem which is connected to mobile office
so it allows udp traffic
Will it increase the torrent speed/stability ??
also note that i have mobile office free for a month
and am testing this just for fun.
set up ping tunnel and dns tunnel .