How to setup a Shell booter
Get free shells! Very Detailed
What is a Shell booter?
A shell booter uses a series of shells with a flood to send packets to someones router, and the router cannot handle that much packets, and simple no longer allows you to access websites for a short while. A booter can use slowloris POST, and a GET shells. GET are the best shells to use, these are the ones that are green and only have IP and time.
Downloads: Source i added a mass shell adder.
Shell checker: Here
Virus scan: Here
Setting up your Shell booter:
*** You will need hosting to do this, you can find hosting that allows booters at a reasonable price here***
Setting up your SQL database.
Scroll down through your Cpanel, till you see something related to Databases.
Click on "MySQL Databases" Now your going to type a name for your database.
once you're done with that, scroll down some more. You should see this
Now you're going to add a user, you can type anything you want.
After you finish this, you want to add the new user you created to new databse you created. Like this
![[Image: 12a8974a51fd4d04b6bc7edab8936247.png]](
Make sure you assign all privileges! We're done with the SQl for now.
Uploading the Source:
You will need go back to your Cpanel home, and locate "file manager"
Now edit these lines with your information From the SQL Database.
![[Image: f8123d6299170c46d996eff1bbdb672d.png]](
Now you must go to the "includes" folder and fine "ezSQl.php"
![[Image: 4aaa3c2c5321b32bf1c22aff266a39d8.png]](
Now go to line 44, 71, and edit the info to your Database information.
Almost done!
Now you have to go back to your Cpanel, and go down to PHPmyAdmin it should be in databases
Now you should see your database name on the left.
![[Image: 2a629de874f76fb7813484adba6a01fa.png]](
Click on it, and go to the SQL tab.
Now this is where you go into the source file and click on dbprepare.txt
Copy and paste that into here the "SQL" tab. MAKE SURE NOT TO EDIT!
Now to make your account!
Go to your domain now, once you get there. You should see a login page.
go to register.
Now go back to PHPMyAdmin
Got next to users, click on broswe
Once you get there you should see this
![[Image: d107ac760ace7fc9cd53fb5331ff52d1.png]](
You need to edit user_level to 5 and approved from 0 to 1
Hit "Go" now to login
Congratulations, you just made your own shell booter!
Get free shells! Very Detailed
What is a Shell booter?
A shell booter uses a series of shells with a flood to send packets to someones router, and the router cannot handle that much packets, and simple no longer allows you to access websites for a short while. A booter can use slowloris POST, and a GET shells. GET are the best shells to use, these are the ones that are green and only have IP and time.
Downloads: Source i added a mass shell adder.
Shell checker: Here
Virus scan: Here
Setting up your Shell booter:
*** You will need hosting to do this, you can find hosting that allows booters at a reasonable price here***
Setting up your SQL database.
Scroll down through your Cpanel, till you see something related to Databases.
![[Image: e72056384eb09ae83873baaf3d441b21.png]](
once you're done with that, scroll down some more. You should see this
Now you're going to add a user, you can type anything you want.
After you finish this, you want to add the new user you created to new databse you created. Like this
![[Image: 12a8974a51fd4d04b6bc7edab8936247.png]](
Make sure you assign all privileges! We're done with the SQl for now.
Uploading the Source:
You will need go back to your Cpanel home, and locate "file manager"
![[Image: 0e5645afedfe5679ee1a2cb18b771783.png]](
Once there, go into your Public folder, Now go to upload, it should look like this
Editing the files:
Now locate the file "dbc.php"
Now locate the file "dbc.php"
![[Image: 011bc36e8b4db0ee395c91b1e2660ccc.png]](
![[Image: f8123d6299170c46d996eff1bbdb672d.png]](
Now you must go to the "includes" folder and fine "ezSQl.php"
![[Image: 4aaa3c2c5321b32bf1c22aff266a39d8.png]](
Now go to line 44, 71, and edit the info to your Database information.
![[Image: 0d7e766d555f92b342e6004bb14e6e6c.png]](
Now you have to go back to your Cpanel, and go down to PHPmyAdmin it should be in databases
![[Image: e72056384eb09ae83873baaf3d441b21.png]](
![[Image: 2a629de874f76fb7813484adba6a01fa.png]](
Click on it, and go to the SQL tab.
Now this is where you go into the source file and click on dbprepare.txt
Copy and paste that into here the "SQL" tab. MAKE SURE NOT TO EDIT!
![[Image: 3e2f2399d0c9cfba34e1de75b2b129ea.png]](
Go to your domain now, once you get there. You should see a login page.
go to register.
Now go back to PHPMyAdmin
Got next to users, click on broswe
Once you get there you should see this
![[Image: d107ac760ace7fc9cd53fb5331ff52d1.png]](
You need to edit user_level to 5 and approved from 0 to 1
Hit "Go" now to login

Congratulations, you just made your own shell booter!
Making the shells
You will need to go to and serach this
You will need to go to and serach this
I hoped this helped everybody and cleared some questions up about shell booters