You can find this useful if you donwload hundreds of short episodes in rm format like me and tired of double clicking to open the files below.
Very easy. Use Notepad to open a new file, type this:
file: / / link to file1
file: / / link to file2
(Write down what you want)
Close the file. Rename filename.rm
Then you `re done!
I put the playlist file here: C: \ Movies \ 7VNR
And video files in C: \ Films \ 7VNR \ DragonBall
Then in my playlist file 'I have something like this:
file: / / DragonBall/db134.rm
Very easy. Use Notepad to open a new file, type this:
file: / / link to file1
file: / / link to file2
(Write down what you want)
Close the file. Rename filename.rm
Then you `re done!
I put the playlist file here: C: \ Movies \ 7VNR
And video files in C: \ Films \ 7VNR \ DragonBall
Then in my playlist file 'I have something like this:
file: / / DragonBall/db134.rm