Monday, October 3, 2011

First post on Backtrack

Backtrack pic by kinghackz
Hello guys,welcomes to the great site for learning.Actually this  post is related to Backtrack.However i will post all the articles regarding to Backtrack.Many people are using backtrack. And some its very useful for them.. Now a days it has become a part of hackers.So this post is for beginners .And it Contains information related to backtrack.Official website of back track is http://www.backtrack-linux.orgLets come to our topicAbout backtrack:-The evolution of BackTrack spans many years of development, penetration tests, and unprecedented help from the security community. BackTrack originally started with earlier versions of live Linux distributions called Whoppix, IWHAX, and Auditor. When BackTrack was developed, it was designed to be an all in one live cd used on security audits and was specifically crafted to not leave any remnants of itself on the laptop. It has since expanded to being the most widely adopted penetration testing framework in existence and is used by the security community all over the world.Many people who are new to Back Track may also be new to Linux. Learning BT can be a daunting task, while also trying to learn Linux. As such if you are new to Linux we highly encourage you to learn the basics first. There are literally millions of pages of resources available on the internet to do this.Since we can't really assess a given user's knowledge, skills, and attribute levels we suggest to everyone starting out to learn to use something like Ubuntu since BT is based on it. One of the reasons is the amount of information available to support the new user. In addition Ubuntu is designed to be as easy as possible for a user with zero Linux knowledge to get up and running. Now while most of us will not really care if you persist on using BT as your starting platform, please note that we can't possibly be expected to teach you those basics. Furthermore using BT may cause you to get side-tracked in learning. Many people have trouble with those basics and then make a post immediately on using one of the many Penetration Testing tools without having resolved the previous problem. This shows that those tools, can be a distraction to the beginner. The following is a collection of resources to help aid others to learn those basics. There is no real order of importance in the list and it is not all inclusive. Feel free to make a post in this thread and add links to resources that you find or found helpful. Please do not use this thread to add "warez" etc., say "hello" or ask a question, as those will just be deleted/moved.All the pro hackers use backtrack os However it is a linux platform so it has default installed hacking tools .Download back trackActually its my first post for backtrack.In my next Articles i will post many useful stuffs of backtrack

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